Monday, February 20, 2012

Make-a-Friend Craft

Last week, I made a craft with my Mom! I got the craft a few months back, but decided to wait and save it to make!

The kit I used
When I opened the kit, I was a bit surprised! I thought that it was already made and I would just have to sew it together, little did I know that I was not going to get off the hook that easy! haha! I really had to use a rotary cutter and sew my own patchwork quilt together first, and then stuff it! it was hard, but it was a good learning experience!  It took me about three days to make it (with help) but it was worth it! I loved the way it came out!

Meet my new friend Patches!!!


  1. I'm impressed. Your hardwork payed off! Glad you have a blog so my oldest can see what you're up to. We'll have to meet in Nashville sometime for a "field trip". :)

    ~Mrs. Freeland

  2. thanks! I agree, We will have to get together some time :)

  3. Wow, Rebecca! I love your new friend Patches and am very impressed with your handiwork! We miss you!!!!

  4. I miss you all so much too! And thanks :)


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