Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hey everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter! (I know, i haven't posted in a while).  I have just been enjoying this lovely weather we have been having! Only problem iiiissss.....pollen. I. Hate. Pollen. 'nuff said. haha I started taking tennis lessons a few weeks ago, (i'm terrible) but we have been rained out for the past two weeks :(

 Last week, after church, me and a couple other youth went to serve lunch for an inner city church.  We had some time to kill before going so we hung around outside.


The car ride :)

<3 Rebecca <3

P.S - BTW, Francesca Battistelli has a new single out called "Strangely Dim" and if you have not heard it yet, click HERE to see it!