Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Adventure's in Badminton!

During the summer, my dad ordered a badminton set for us. My dad LOVES badminton and really wanted to teach me and my sister to play. Well, at the time he ordered it, it was much too hot to play (somewhere between 99 and 109 degrees) so we waited until November, when the weather cooled down.  Well, last week, my dad finally got around to putting it up, and the following day, we played for a bit :)  It was going pretty, well, (but I did figure out, I don't have a future in badminton, haha) and we practice a couple days last week, and we were getting a little better. Well, my dad was not feeling too well on Saturday, but he said he would watch me and Hannah play for a few minutes.  Well, he couldn't resist - after about five minutes, he told me I wasn't serving right, and showed me how. It was so much fun playing with someone who could actually hit it back! hahah :) After I thought I was finally getting the hang of it, I accidentally hit the birdie in a near tree and it got stuck.  He tried throwing the rake up in the tree, but in the end, it got stuck too...

We ended up getting the birdie down (because my dad threw the pitchfork at it, haha) but the rake is still in the tree. I'm not sure how we are going to get it down....


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